Expert witness reports
Expert witness reports follow a very specific format, which is quite different from the normal building inspection reports. This guide walks you through how they work.
Property tab
The property tab contains most of the selections that you’d see for other report types, but they’re optional - meaning if you don’t make a selection, they won’t appear on the report.
Each finding has two new fields -
Estimate - important: this should be a numeric value, in dollars, excluding GST.
Summary tab
The fields in the summary tab (except for code of conduct) are all free text, but they’re designed to be used as a numbered list of items. Here’s how it works -
Start each item with a number (eg. “1.1”).
Tap the tab button twice. The tab button can be found on the left of screen just above the keyboard.
Type the relevant text then tap return.
Type the next number (eg. “1.2”) and repeat other steps.
Code of conduct
For code of conduct, simply select the relevant state. The app will automatically load the applicable code of conduct disclaimer into the report.
Qualifications exist at user level, not report level. You can set them via Settings > My information > Qualifications.
Scott Schedule
The Scott Schedule is a summary of cost estimates which is automatically produced based on your findings. Some points to note -
Any finding with an estimate amount greater than zero will be included.
Estimates should be ex GST. GST will be added to the subtotal.
If no estimates exist in any findings, the Scott Schedule will not be printed.